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Återbesök i September
Neurogenic Yoga®

Är du intresserad av att vi tar Maria till Sverige igen för Neurogenic Yoga, skicka gärna ett mejl så kan vi samla ihop till henne :)

Vi har haft glädjen att kunna erbjuda möjligheten att prova på Neurogenic Yoga™ i Sverige. En av Neurogenic Yoga®s huvudlärare, Maria Alfaro, var i maj 2015 i Sveriga för två stycken en-dags workshops.  

Experiential workshops include an introduction of Neurogenic tremoring and its history and origin in Dr. David Berceli’s technique of Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises® (TRE®). Participants experience a Neurogenic Yoga® class including yoga asana, pranayama and tension release. 

All levels welcome!

About Neurogenic Yoga®:

Neurogenic Yoga® is an integrative method combining yoga asana and pranayama with Self -Induced  Therapeutic Tremors (SIIT). These tremors are the nervous system’s way of discharging long-held tension and trauma or unconscious muscle contraction, to restore the body to wholeness. 

During a typical Neurogenic Yoga® practice a combination of gentle yoga postures and breath techniques evoke a trembling response in the psoas muscles. Involuntary shaking travels along the spine and reverberates through the entire body, releasing deep chronic tension.
